
Wiki Editing

wikimedia wikipedia art and feminism

Wikipedia is precisely an online encyclopedia contributed by a group of Wikipedians. They carefully edit, verify and create useful information on Wikipedia. Wikimedia does not allow any copyright information to be uploaded. If found the page will be taken down immediately. This appropriate measure makes Wikipedia credible. Thanks to Wikimedia Ghana User Group(Sandister, Enock, and Justice) for facilitating this workshop and properly introducing me to the world of wiki editing. The intensive workshop aimed to promote arts and help minimize gender imbalance on Wikipedia. Women are celebrated in the month of March, as part of the activities, Wikipedia is hosting workshops to train editors to improve on articles on notable women. Art and Feminism is a campaign coordinated to improve information about women on Wikipedia. This helps to address the gender imbalance on Wikipedia and also increase the number of editors. Find out about art and feminism here

Before I haul you through Wikipedia, note the following rules;

  1. As a new editor, do not create a page always edit. Verify credible sources, dead pages, and links.
  2. Add a comment to whatever changes you made on the page.
  3. Use the visual editor till you become vexed with the markdown language for editing then you can use the edit source option. Now, let’s start with our editing. We are going to - Improve introduction and add a reference.

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When editing check for dates, linked pages, referenced links, etc. This makes the information more credible. I will be editing MzVee’s (Ghanaian Singer) article. - First, I will reference the date of birth from a source. We search the internet on articles confirming her date of birth, and we reference it.

Search for “page name” wiki whiles you’re logged in to the wiki page. To get the article you want to edit.

*‘Make sure you have found your source before this by searching for news on the subject on google to verify your sources’ (I searched for her birthdays did the math to be sure what the articles are saying is true before adding.) Insert cursor on where you want to reference - I will be referencing her date of birth. Click on cite.

Copy URL from the external article and paste it to the Cite button pop-up image 3

Click on generate and insert the cite We can also reuse a cite by following the same procedure but rather we click on Re-use to choose the source. Add if it is already on the page.

image 4 Click on PUBLISH CHANGES and comment. Your editing will be saved.

Note the tick box Minor Edit is for fewer edits and Watch this page is for tracking to keep watch on the page. This will be further explained when you attend one of our workshops

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